Coy Chiropractic for Chiropractic Care That Alleviates Spine, Soft Tissue, & Joint Dysfunction
Our bodies consist of numerous systems and structures that have vital relationships. When one is compromised, others must compensate. This puts undue pressure on areas not meant to carry the extra burden, contributing to further discomfort and dysfunction.
When the body shows pain, it’s communicating that something is wrong. While there are innate healing properties in place at all times, sometimes the imbalance causing your pain can’t be remedied on its own.
Ignoring your discomfort is never a responsible reaction to your body’s needs. Seemingly innocuous discomfort can grow into something more significant, such as a chronic condition, consistent medication use, surgery, and mental stress.
As a chiropractor, Dr. Coy provides personalized care to help patients overcome spine, joint, and soft tissue conditions. Through noninvasive, natural techniques—including chiropractic adjustments and muscle and tissue therapies—he supports the body’s healing process, promoting recovery, strengthening, and overall well-being.
The goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimal health. Once your body has healed, maintenance adjustments can keep everything functioning properly. Depending on your lifestyle and wellness goals, a quick visit one to four times per month can help prevent future issues and keep you feeling your best.
Whether you’re dealing with an old sports injury, prenatal discomfort, or everyday aches and pains, Dr. Coy is here to provide customized care to help you move and live better.
Conditions Treated with Chiropractic Care
Coy Chiropractic’s approach combines chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, and lifestyle guidance to deliver a reliable and comprehensive solution for various spine and musculoskeletal issues. While some conditions may not be curable, partnering with the chiropractic clinic can help alleviate pain, enhance function, and boost performance—without relying on medication.
Symptoms, injuries, and conditions that can benefit from visiting Dr. Jeff Coy’s Kingwood chiropractic clinic include:
Back pain & sciatica
Back pain and low back pain can stem from numerous spine, joint, and soft tissue imbalances and conditions. Because most of us rely on a functioning back for our daily activities, it’s important to seek treatment when in pain to reduce the risk of further injury.
Sciatica is a common cause of back pain and stiffness. When the sciatic nerve becomes compressed, low back pain and hip pain often result. Whether you suffer from back discomfort due to an underlying condition, an accident, or overuse, chiropractic care can help relieve your symptoms.
Other common reasons for back pain include:
- Disc herniation or disc bulge
- Degernateive disc disease
- Low back sprain
- Arthritis
These injuries often occur due to:
- Poor posture and movement patterns
- Improper workstation setup and ergonomics
- Poor lifting technique
- Overuse due to sport or job
- An underlying condition elsewhere in the body
- Wearing poor or unsupportive footwear
Headaches & migraines
Headaches and migraines, even when mild, can be highly disruptive. They can interfere with everything from working on a computer to getting out of bed. For those who experience them, seeking effective relief is essential for maintaining performance and productivity.
Dr. Coy will discuss your lifestyle, habits, triggers, and movement patterns before giving you a physical exam that will reveal more about how your body functions and how that relates to your headaches.
Ensuring your body is well-balanced and aligned is vital to your overall health and can minimize the frequency and serenity of your headaches.
Neck pain
Neck pain, ranging from stiffness and reduced mobility to intense discomfort, often arises from constant strain as the neck supports the head—even during passive activities like watching a movie. Modern technology exacerbates the issue, with prolonged poor posture from devices like smartphones and tablets increasing strain and injury risks across all ages.
Coy Chiropractic’s wellness plans provide a dual solution: targeted treatments to address current injuries and proactive strategies to prevent future issues. By combining chiropractic care with education, Dr. Jeff Coy promotes lasting neck health in today’s tech-driven world.
Conditions that commonly contribute to neck pain include:
- Neck tissue sprain, strain, and inflammation
- Cervical disc herniation
- Text neck or tech neck
- Whiplash
- Mental stress
Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain affects people of all activity levels and lifestyles. The shoulder’s flexibility is essential for daily tasks, from dressing to lifting to sports. When compromised, even small movements can become difficult. Due to its complex structure, untreated shoulder issues can radiate pain to the neck and back, further limiting mobility and function.
Chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy can help treat several injuries related to shoulder pain, including:
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Shoulder impingement
- Sprains, strains, and inflammation
- Frozen shoulder
Knee pain
The knees are essential for daily mobility, bearing weight, and enabling movement, but they are also vulnerable to injury, especially during high-impact activities like running and load-bearing sports like weightlifting.
Common causes of knee pain include:
- Strains
- Arthritis
- Runner’s knee
- Jumper’s knee
- Inflammation
- IT band dysfunction
- Sciatica
Your local knee pain chiropractor will address your knee pain and help prevent your symptoms from worsening or spreading by finding the cause of your discomfort and treating the injury at the source.
Auto Injuries
At the age of 23, Dr Coy was in a major auto accident. He suffered neck, dental, and lower back injuries. He went the medical route of three months of physical therapy and seven months of painkillers and muscle relaxers. The pain was still there.
His mother convinced him to go to a Chiropractor. “Honestly, I was very reluctant, but it changed my life. Literally, within a matter of a few days, I WAS OUT OF PAIN. This and the doctor convinced me to change my career path from optometry to chiropractic.”
Dr. Coy knows the path that an auto accident can cause, not only the physical but the emotional and psychological strain that can be the result. He knows the struggle to regain a “normal life” and the length that it can take.
With all of this and years of Chiropractic experience, make Coy Chiropractic and Kingwood Chiropractor Dr. Jeff Coy your first call following your motor vehicle accident to help you in your journey to a better way of life.
Other Conditions & Symptoms Dr. Coy Can Successfully Relieve
- TMJ / Jaw pain
- Rib pain
- Elbow pain and injuries, including golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain
- Hip pain
- Foot pain and plantar fasciitis
- Sprains, strains, and inflammation
- Arthritis
- Neuropathy
- Chronic pain and acute pain
- Overuse injuries
- Impingements and pinched nerves
- Muscle and joint stiffness
- Reduced flexibility and loss of range of motion
- Sore muscles, weakened muscles, and muscle spasms
- Regular wear and tear
- Car accident injury
- Sports injury
- Additional conditions
Dr. Jeff Coy’s Kingwood Chiropractic Patients
Coy Chiropractic proudly supports Kingwood and the surrounding communities with safe, comprehensive chiropractic care. Those who partner with us are often experiencing musculoskeletal imbalances, injuries, and conditions that hinder their comfort and routine.
Dr. Coy enables healing properties naturally found in the body to help you recover with ease and integrity. Because chiropractic care is so conservative and safe, it can be used on people of all ages and vulnerabilities.
Patients Dr. Coy regularly partners with to manage pain and injuries include:
- Athletes of all ages
- Sportspeople, avid exercisers, and weekend warriors
- Post-surgery patients
- Prenatal women
- Injury rehabilitation patients
- Overuse injury patients
- Those with sedentary lifestyles and desk workers
Whether you have discomfort, limited mobility, or just want to move easier, let’s get you booked.
Dr. Jeff Coy’s Comprehensive, Natural Chiropracic Care in Kingwood
Kingwood’s Coy Chiropractic utilizes comprehensive healthcare solutions that work to treat injuries and conditions within the musculoskeletal system. Dr. Coy’s approach encourages ongoing, proactive function and health so you can live confidently and comfortably.
You deserve to get sustainable results that don’t rely on aggressive solutions or pain medication but treat dysfunctions where they lie. Let Coy Chiropractic help you achieve your goals. Dr. Coy is dedicated to your success and prepared to prove it.
Patient Testimonials
“I waited too long to get an adjustment for some back problems. Thanks for getting me back in shape to enjoy my life.”
“Dr. Coy is great. He adjusted my back and I went home feeling so much better.”
“I went to Dr Coy with pain in my shoulder and neck. He did an amazing job getting to the source of my problem. Through ultrasonic massage and chiropractic adjustment he alleviated my pain and restored mobility to my neck. Very easy to book appointments on the website and he is always on time, no need to sit in a waiting room. Great chiropractor!!”
“Dr. Coy was very concerned about the best way to stop my pain. He took the time to explain what was causing it and the best way to treat my chronic neck pain. Taking time with your patients instead of looking forward to the next one coming in is a lost form of treatment.”